Monday, November 24, 2008

Boost Metabolism Naturally

You may think you have to exercise vigorously to boost your metabolism and burn fat. Not true! You can boost your metabolism naturally simply by eating fat burning foods in a way that trains your body to burn fat and calories. You will never have to count calories again!

Fat burning foods include REAL foods like potatoes, dairy products (calcium is a SUPER fat burner), fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and many other foods. When eating in a way to make these foods the most effective, you can increase your metabolism drastically - meaning fast weight loss! Drinking a couple of glasses of green tea helps too, along with foods containing Omega 3 fish oils like salmon and other fish. Be careful about eating these types of fish more than twice per week, because of the high mercury content.

Do you think you have to starve yourself or run a marathon to lose weight? It's really simple when you understand how it works. You can eat a huge variety of healthy foods and boost your metabolism without ever counting a calorie. You don't have to avoid carbs and fat, either.

People have been brain washed to think that in order to achieve quick weight loss, you have to suffer. This is hogwash! Fat burning foods and light exercise are what works. The secret? Knowing how to combine these foods properly and when to eat them. In reality, the MORE you eat the easier it is to lose weight when you eat the right foods that burn fat. Change your way of thinking - it will change the way you look at weight loss forever.

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